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School Uniform

Salcombe C of E Primary School Uniform


At Salcombe C of E Primary School, we have high expectations for a consistent uniform policy that is fair, easily accessible for parents to buy and has been adapted by the parents/ carers and children's views.


Salcombe Primary School has a clearly defined uniform that all the children wear. The uniform is an integral part of the school ethos. As a school we have a logo which is embroidered on our school jumpers, cardigans and PE T-Shirt. All uniform can be purchased through Thomas Moore online:


*children in EYFS do not need to wear a tie and can wear a white polo shirt instead of a buttoned shirt. 


PE/Games Kit – Girls and Boys


Multi-sports kit (shirt and shorts) and T-shirts with logo can be purchased through Thomas Moore online:


You can also purchase a plain royal blue T-shirt for PE from the high-street should you wish. 


On a PE day, children may also wear their school jumper over their T-shirt. 


Please do not send your child into school on PE days wearing any other branded clothing. 


Extras (optional) from Salcombe Embroiderers 


Backpacks: Royal Blue

Book Bags: Blue with the school logo

PE bag: Royal Blue

Fleece Jacket: Royal Blue

Coats: Royal Blue


Other uniform


We have decided to use Tesco as an example below, but these items can be purchased from any store as long as they are a similar style and colour. The garments might be gender specific on the Tesco website, however, that doesn’t mean that the opposite sex cannot wear any garment.



All items of clothing need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name. The school has an agreed policy for the wearing of jewellery. Children may have a maximum of one pair of earrings (studs or sleepers and one in each ear) and may wear a watch. No other jewellery or accessory is permitted. Make-up, including nail varnish, should not be worn; long hair must be tied back.


Second Hand Uniform


We have a swap-shop within our school office, we are limited in sizes but please pop by and see available. If you have any questions regarding the uniform please contact Miss Savege in the school office.
