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Welcome to Salcombe Primary School


It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Salcombe Church of England Primary School website.


The beautiful coastal town of Salcombe sits on the banks of the Salcombe Estuary making it one of the prettiest towns in South Devon. Located within the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Salcombe is known for its outstanding coastal views and rolling surrounding countryside, as well as a centre for sailing. The school, which is situated at the top of the town, has some of the best panoramic views of any school in the country!


We consider our school to be like a big family. Our aim is to work with all members of the school community, as one, to give the children the very best education. We aim for every child to have a happy and active primary education in an environment that is caring and supporting. We aim to provide a stimulating and structured environment concerned with the moral, academic, social and spiritual education in which all children are encouraged to reach their full potential


Salcombe C of E Primary School is now part of the First Federation Trust, a multi academy trust of primary schools across Devon. One combined set of leaders and governors guide all schools. (To see other schools that are in the Trust, please see the First Federation website:


This website will allow you to see the amazing learning experiences that the children get at this school from a highly skilled and dedicated staff team. I'm incredibly proud to be Head of School at Salcombe C of E Primary School, why don't you come along to meet us in person and take a look around for yourself.


I look forward to meeting you in the near future.


Your Sincerely,

Team Salcombe

Our Aims


  • For Salcombe C of E Primary School to be an inspirational place for children to learn and creating a open learning culture where children can thrive.
  • To raise the standards of education for children in the locality by everyone working together under the umbrella term of 'Team Salcombe'.
  • To have an bespoke and irresistible curriculum that showcases the talents, skills and knowledge learned by children throughout their time at the school.
  • All of the staff to know every child throughout the school and have a ‘deliberate botheredness’ all day, every day!
  • For the school to be the hub of the community and help support families locally.
  • For the school and trust to develop our staff members to further their careers.
  • To have well-being at the forefront of everything that we do as a school.  