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Opening Hours & Fees

The nursery has the same term dates as the Primary School which can be found on the website.

Opening hours


Seahorse Nursery is open from Monday-Friday, term time only, with Morning, Lunch and Afternoon sessions available each day or combined for the whole day. Children staying for the afternoon session, or the whole day, may bring a packed lunch from home or partake in our school meals catered by our onsite kitchen. 


Morning session – 8.45am-12pm.

Lunch session – 12.00 -13.00

Afternoon session – 13.00-15.15.


SESSION HOURS @ £5.00 PER HOUR – for children aged 3 & 4 years



8:45-12.00 (3 hours 15 mins)             £16.25

12.00-13.00 (1 hour)                           £5.00

13.00-15.15 (2 hours 15 mins)             £11.25

8:45-15.15 (6 hours 30 mins)             £32.50


SESSION HOURS @ £5.00 PER HOUR – for children aged 2 years



8:45-12.00 (3 hours 15 mins)             £16.25

12.00-13.00 (1 hour)                           £5.00

13.00-15.15 (2 hours 15 mins)             £11.25

8:45-15.15 (6 hours 30 mins)             £32.50


Salcombe Nursery Charging Policy


Nursery Booking and Charging Policy:  Booking forms cover a full-term period. Additional sessions may be booked in advance, dependent on space. Payment must be made at the time of booking (or at the start of each half term) for all unfunded places. Booked sessions cannot be swapped. If you know your child will be absent from a session you must inform the school. In the event of an absence due to illness please telephone the Nursery to let them know your child will not be attending. I understand sessions cannot be swapped once booked. I confirm I will pay for any unfunded sessions at the time of booking.

Hot meals for the pm session are available at £2.50 for a main meal and pudding. Payments should be made weekly or termly in advance. If this is a difficulty, speak to Charlotte Savege in the school office for a more accessible arrangement.


We accept all forms of funding: EYEF, Extended 30 Hours, Childcare Vouchers, Tax-Free. Please ask for details of how to apply for the various forms of funding


There are three means of funding for pre-school children and details of both can be obtained from staff or the internet.


‘The government provides funding for all three and four year old children, starting from the funding period after their third birthday until they start school (usually at statutory school age – the term following their fifth birthday), to attend an Ofsted registered early years and childcare setting. 


These children qualify for 15 hours of free Early Years Entitlement per week for up to 38 weeks per year, during school term time. The full 15 hours must be used over at least 2 days, a minimum of 2 ½ hours and maximum 10 hours per day.’ (DCC). Parents that fulfil certain criteria may also apply for the new 30 hours funding.


The Government also provided 15 hours of funding for 2year old children from the term after their second birthday, who meet the funding criteria.


For more information, please don't hesitate to contact the school office.
