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Everything you need to know about phonics

Parent video: Why read to your child

Reading to your child has a positive impact not only on their reading fluency but also their language development.

Parent video: 10 things to think about when you read to your child

Watch the video to see some great tips to think about when you hear your child read.

Parent video: Understanding Phonics

If you don't know what phonics is or just need a bit more information, watch the video!

Parent video: How to say the sounds

Its fundamentally important when you read with your child you know how to say each of the sounds properly! Watch the video to find out how!

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics

We follow the Read, Write, Inc programme to teach the children in our school phonics, early guided reading and early writing. What is it I hear you say? Then click on the video.

Parent video: The Phonics Screening Check

In Year 1, children across the country have to take part in a phonics screening check. See the video to understand what the child have to do.
